
Artist in Residency, Golden Bridge Pottery, 2007-08

| Thursday, September 11, 2008

The 40 days at Golden Bridge Pottery (GBP), Pondycherry in 2006 inspired me to take a long break from Delhi. I packed my bags in May 2007 and spent almost a year at GBP. During my stay, I experienced many wood firings, including two Anagama.

Lama Vase, Stoneware, fired in Anagama at cone 10, h. 25 x w. 10 inches

Lama Vase, Stoneware, fired in Anagama at cone 10, h. 24 x w. 9 inches
Lama Vase, Stoneware, fired in Anagama at cone 10, h. 25 x w. 10 inches
Lama Vase, Stoneware, fired in Anagama at cone 10, h. 25 x w. 10 inches
Evo Vase, stoneware, fired in Anagama at cone 10, h. 26 x 10 inches
Evo Vase, stoneware, fired in Anagama at cone 10, h. 26 x 10 inches
Evo Vase, stoneware, fired in Anagama at cone 10, h. 26 x 10 inches
Lama Vase, Stoneware, fired in Anagama at cone 10, h. 25 x w. 10 inches
Evo Vase, stoneware, fired in Anagama at cone 10, h. 25 x 10 inches
Evo Vase, stoneware, fired in Anagama at cone 10, h. 25 x 10 inches
Evo Vase, stoneware, fired in Anagama at cone 10, h. 26 x 10 inches
Evo Vase, stoneware, fired in Anagama at cone 10, h. 26 x 10 inches
Evo Vase, stoneware, fired in Anagama at cone 10, h. 18 x 12 inches
Door stopper, stoneware, fired in Anagama at cone 10. h.12 x w10 inches
Door stopper, stoneware, fired in Anagama at cone 10. h.12 x w10 inches
Evo Vase, stoneware, fired in Anagama at cone 10, h. 20 x 10 inches
Evo Vase, stoneware, fired in Anagama at cone 10, h. 20 x 10 inches
Evo Vase, stoneware, fired in Anagama at cone 10, h. 25 x 10 inches
Evo Vase, stoneware, fired in Anagama at cone 10, h. 25 x 10 inches
Evo Vase, stoneware, fired in Anagama at cone 10, h. 25 x 10 inches

2006, Summer Residency at Golden Bridge Pottery

| Tuesday, September 9, 2008

In 2006 I was invited by Ray Meeker for a 40 days summer residency at Golden Bridge Pottery, Pondycherry. My body of work while I was there, was very simple, concentrating on the surface texture.

Stoneware, white slip, wood fired at cone 10
Stoneware, white slip, wood fired at cone 10
Stoneware, white slip, wood fired at cone 10
Stoneware, white slip, wood fired at cone 10
Stoneware, white slip, wood fired at cone 10
Stoneware, Banglore slip, wood fired at cone 10
Stoneware, white slip, wood fired at cone 10
Stoneware, white slip, wood fired at cone 10
Stoneware, white slip, wood fired at cone 10
Stoneware, brushed on with white slip and glazes, wood fired at cone 10
Stoneware, Tin glaze on kaki, wood fired at cone 10
Stoneware, brushed on with white slip and glazes, wood fired at cone 10
Stoneware, white slip, wood fired at cone 10

Artist Residency/World Wood Fire Festival, Kanayama, aomori, japan, 2005


2005, I was invited to participate in the World Wood Fire Festival and for a residency program at Kanayama, Aomori, Japan. Japan was an amazing place to visit as a potter, I saw thousands of pots in just a few months and visited many pottery cities/sites, including Jomon. I also met wonderful potters during my stay at Kanayama, where we fired Anagama, Noborigama, Sueiki (a traditional korean kiln), Bury Box and Olsen's Dome Kiln.

Stoneware, fired in Bury Box at cone 10-11

Porcelain, fired in Olsen's Dome Kiln at cone 10-11

Porcelain, fired at Olsen's Dome Kiln at cone 10-11

Fresh from the kiln - stoneware and porcelain

Stoneware, fired in Sueiki Kiln at cone 10-11

Stoneware, fired in Bury Box Kiln

Stoneware, fired in Olsen's Dome Kiln

Porcelain, fired in Olsen's Dome Kiln

Porcelain, fired in Olsen's Dome Kiln

Porcelain, fired in Olsen's Dome Kiln

Porcelain, fired in Olsen's Dome Kiln

Stoneware, fired in Olsen's Dome Kiln

Stoneware, fired in Olsen's Dome Kiln

Porcelain, fired in Olsen's Dome Kiln

Porcelain, fired in Olsen's Dome Kiln

Stoneware, first fired in Sueiki and then in Olsen's Dome Kiln

Stoneware with Porcelain dots, fired in Sueiki and Olsen's Dome Kiln

Stoneware, fired in Olsen's Dome Kiln

Stoneware, fired in Olsen's Dome Kiln


About Me

I was born in Ranchi, Jharkhand. Went to Varanasi in 1994 to study ceramic design at Banaras Hindu University. My practice deals with forms derived from architecture. From the architecture of the place where I grew up to the architecture I come across while traveling in different parts of the world. My works explore different qualities observed in the rural and urban landscape and manipulate them to create forms which relate to one another. I investigate these forms in an abstract manner and manipulate them extensively, leading to a new form of its own. It is important for the forms to relate to one another, to create an environment, and to establish a relationship and a visible contrast between each other, thus encouraging the viewer to take a closer look and investigate further.